Precompiled libogg and libvorbis with 64-bit Support

OggVorbisArm64 I’ve updated my precompiled libogg and libvobis libraries on github. Also included in the updated repositories are the scripts I used to compiled them and instructions how to re-create the compilation process.

You can find the repositories here: libogg, libvorbis. Sample code for an Ogg Vorbis player is at IDZAQAudioPlayer.

Updated versions for Speex and FLAC should follow in the next few days.

If you find these libraries useful, or they saved you time, please consider donating to this site on .

About idz

A professional software engineer dabbling in iOS app development.
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5 Responses to Precompiled libogg and libvorbis with 64-bit Support

  1. tactoth says:

    Thank you very much for this. I’ve been trying for one whole day to register on your website to say this THANK YOU.

  2. mikem says:

    This work is incredible, it saved me immense amounts of time. Thank you so much!

    • idz says:

      You’re welcome. I am glad you found it useful. If you find any bugs or run into any problems let me know. (The best way to do this is open an issue on github!)

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