Swift Standard Library: Generators, Sequences and Collections

A large part of the Swift Standard Library is concerned with {swift}Generators{/swift}, {swift}Sequences{/swift} and {swift}Collections{/swift} and functions that operate on them, so it’s pretty important to have a good understanding of them.


A {swift}Generator{/swift} is anything that conforms to the {swift}GeneratorType{/swift} protocol.
It’s fairly simple.

protocol GeneratorType {
  typealias Element
  mutating func next() -> Element?

So a generator is simply something that can give you the next element of some sequence of elements. If there is no next element it returns {swift}nil{/swift}.

With this information, we could create a generator, say, of powers of two.

import UIKit

/* convenience function */
func pow2(power: Int) -> Int
  return Int(pow(2.0, Double(power)))

struct PowersOfTwoGenerator1 : GeneratorType {
  typealias Element = Int
  var power : Int = 0
  mutating func next() -> Element?
    return pow2(power++)

This code conforms to the protocol and is a valid {swift}GeneratorType{/swift} but it is not very easy to use. It will produce an infinite number of elements, without external logic.

For example, to print the first 10 powers we would need to do the following:

var n=10 
var g = PowersOfTwoGenerator1()
while n-- > 0 {

We can make it a little easier to use by adding an initializer to set a limit
on how many values we will print.

struct PowersOfTwoGenerator2 : GeneratorType {
    typealias Element = Int
    var power : Int = 0
    let endPower : Int
    init(end : Int)
        endPower = end
    mutating func next() -> Element?
        return (power < endPower) ? pow2(power++) : nil
This version is much easier to use.
var g2 = PowersOfTwoGenerator2(end:10)
while let x = g2.next() {
OK, so now that we have a generator what can we do with it? Well the answer to
that is... not very much. Very few of the Standard Library Routines take a {swift}GeneratorType{/swift} directly; they require a sequence.


A sequence is anything that conforms to the {swift}SequenceType{/swift} protocol. It's defined as:
protocol SequenceType : _Sequence_Type {
    typealias Generator : GeneratorType
    func generate() -> Generator

Essentially a sequence is a generator factory; something that knows how to make
generators for a sequence.

A first attempt at a power of 2 sequence might look something like this.

struct PowersOfTwoSequence2 : SequenceType
    typealias Generator = PowersOfTwoGenerator2
    let endPower : Int
    init(end: Int)
        self.endPower = end
    func generate() -> Generator {
        return Generator(end: self.endPower)

As a first attempt this is not bad. This code works and have new capabilities, for example, we can now write:

for x in PowersOfTwoSequence2(end:10)

But there is a problem. It’s easier to see if we move the generator inside the
sequence class.

struct PowersOfTwoSequence3 : SequenceType
    let endPower : Int
    struct Generator : GeneratorType {
        typealias Element = Int
        var power : Int = 0
        var endPower : Int
        init(end : Int)
            endPower = end
        mutating func next() -> Element?
            return (power < endPower) ? pow2(power++) : nil
    init(end: Int)
        self.endPower = end
    func generate() -> Generator {
        return Generator(end: self.endPower)

Hopefully now the problem is plain to see. There is a lot of code repetition here. The two inits are almost identical, the {swift}endPower{/swift} variable is repeated. Surely we can do better? And, of course, we can.

struct PowersOfTwoSequence4 : SequenceType
    let endPower : Int
    init(end: Int)
        self.endPower = end
    func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Int> {
        var power : Int = 0
        var nextClosure : () -> Int? = {
            (power < self.endPower) ? pow2(power++) : nil
        return GeneratorOf<Int>(nextClosure)

It’s a little subtle what’s going on here, so let’s dig a little deeper. All
the generator logic has been moved into a closure {swift}nextClosure{/swift}.
The closure captures the {swift}endPower{/swift} from the enclosing class and the current
{swift}power{/swift} from the {swift}generate{/swift} function. Finally, the {swift}GeneratorOf{/swift} class is a
Standard Library Class that conforms to {swift}GeneratorType{/swift} and
knows how to use the closure to implement the {swift}next{/swift} method.

Using trailing closure and type inference we can also write this as:

struct PowersOfTwoSequence5 : SequenceType
    let endPower : Int
    init(end: Int)
        self.endPower = end
    func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Int> {
        var power : Int = 0
        return GeneratorOf<Int> {
            (power < self.endPower) ? pow2(power++) : nil

for x in PowersOfTwoSequence5(end:10)

A collection a sequence that conforms to the {swift}CollectionType{/swift} protocol.
The {swift}CollectionType{/swift} protocol is defined as follows.
protocol _CollectionType : _SequenceType {
    typealias Index : ForwardIndexType
    var startIndex: Index { get }
    var endIndex: Index { get }
    typealias _Element
    subscript (_i: Index) -> _Element { get }
protocol CollectionType : _CollectionType, SequenceType {
    subscript (position: Self.Index) -> Self.Generator.Element { get }

So a {swift}CollectionType{/swift} is a {swift}SequenceType{/swift} that can be accessed via a subscript and defines a startIndex and endIndex.

We can upgrade our {swift}PowersOfTwoSequence{/swift} to a {swift}Collection{/swift} with a few small code changes.

struct PowersOfTwoCollection : CollectionType
    typealias Index = Int
    let startIndex : Int
    let endIndex : Int
    init(start:Int, end: Int)
	self.startIndex = start
        self.endIndex = end
    func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Int> {
        var power : Int = 0
        return GeneratorOf<Int> {
            (power < self.endIndex) ? pow2(power++) : nil
    subscript(i: Index) -> Int { return pow2(i) }

While many standard library functions can operate on sequences, some,
for example {swift}reverse{/swift} require an object conforming to {swift}CollectionType{/swift}.

/* Now that we're a collection we can go backwards! */
for x in reverse(PowersOfTwoCollection(start:0,end:10)) {


In this post I have examined the three main protocols that Swift uses to underpin many of its functions that operate on sequences and collections and presented example code for each one.

A playground containing all the code from this post is available in the GitHub repository SwiftStandardLibraryPlaygrounds

About idz

A professional software engineer dabbling in iOS app development.
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